Quim Bonal was born on April 7th, 1967 in Barcelona. When he was 6 years old he started developing his musical awareness at ARC, a music school in Barcelona. In 1987 he decided starting with the piano, being instructed by Mª Teresa Albiol first, and from 1978 by Albert Romaní. After some time studying at the Conservatory of Badalona, he started working with Elisabeth Segarra, and Eulalia Solé. He has also worked with Josep Mª Colom in specialized seminars about the romantic and impressionist piano.
In 1992 Quim Bonal won a scholarship from the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government) to study abroad, specifically in Paris. Advised by Marian Ribizcky, he decided to work with Ramzi Yassa, titular professor of l’École Normale de Musique of Paris.

“…The tension he created in the first part of the concert was so big that nobody dared to leave the room in the intermission...”(Luís Polanco- El Periódico)
In 1994, he met Ethéry Djakeli, a pupil of Eduardo del Pueyo, and discovered Marie Jaëll’s piano studying and working method, who was Franz Liszt’s pupil. This method is based on the knowledge and awareness of the human body and the hand’s education.
This changed his conception of music and, most of all, Quim Bonal discovered all the sounds that can be created by the piano.
In 1997 he joined the Catalan Association of Catalan Music Performers which brought him a step ahead, consolidating his musical career and playing for festivals and organizations of the region, as Euroconcert.
On February 1997, Bonal won a prize in the third category of the Concours Musical de France, sponsored by the Culture and Communication Ministry. All along this years Quim Bonal offered more concerts in Catalonia, Spain and the Balearic Islands, playing piano concerts, chamber music and some piano and orchestra concerts, as Schumman’s, which was composed in A Minor.
In August 1997 he played a contemporary music program in Peralada’s Music Festival with musical works from Berio, Lighetti, Mompou and Guinjoan. This concert obtained many good public reviews.
Quim Bonal has also played in some concerts of the “Joves & Clàssica” (Youth & Classical Music), a festival organized by Joventuts Musicals de Barcelona (Musical Youth Barcelona) and in some actuations of musical pieces composed by Lluis Mª Bosch, Jaume Torrent, etc.
From 1998 to 2002, Quim Bonal has played and recorded a CD musical works from Frederic Wort, Anna Cazurra, Mompou among others. This CD, released in 2000 was awarded by the Culture’s Department of la Generalitat de Catalunya.
On April 2002, after a prolonged musical silence Quim Bonal played for the first time the Goldberg Variations from J. S. Bach at Palau Robert in Barcelona. This musical work has been played many times till nowadays.